That make sense.
BreathDeep breathing—the engine that powers athletes, singers, and Yoda.
GeneralYou’re in charge of your life. Walk forward relentlessly and conquer it.
LionsThey roar and command change. We all got some lion in us!
MasksWe wear many masks in life. To be adaptable is to be human.
People find it in different things. But one thing’s for sure—without discomfort, there can be no comfort.
JourneyIn life, you’re always learning—from the good and the bad.
PerfectionIt’s perceived and the standards are always changing. Does it exist?
PhilosophyEveryone has one. If they say they don’t, that is their philosophy.
PressureLife has tons of it. Handle it to grow from it.
ReleaseAt times, you gotta let things go to be free.
RedemptionIf you get another chance, make the needed adjustments.