Stronger Together

Though South Korea has the highest suicide rate in the developed world, mental health is treated with shame. To fight the stigma, we used the country’s strongest asset—technology—to connect the nation, heal the people, and help them become Stronger Together.

360 Campaign
Brand: Kakao
Made at Miami Ad School


The Brand

KakaoTalk is the country’s most popular chat app with 97% market share. We turned to its mascots (beloved by the Korean people)—each of whom has a relatable societal insecurity fueling mental distress—to help people open up.


Revelation Prints

Each shows a mascot who relates to a part of the population and the social struggle hurting their mental health. Such as Apeach—a peach who left home due to stress—speaking to students under academic pressure. The CTA is to talk to the character chatbot. When people go to school/work in the day, the prints appear normal. At night, the truth is revealed.


GenAI KakaoTalk Chatbot

As people talk out their struggles, the GenAI character chatbots share theirs too. The bots are scripted in line with cognitive behavior therapy principles—and linked to hotlines—which have been underused until now due to the stigma.



Confession Booths

Openly placed near companies, schools, and high-stress areas throughout the country. Inside, you can sync KakaoTalk from your phone and chat with a hologram of the bot. Also is an option to connect to hotlines and displays maps of nearby health centers. The goal is to make mental health care a visible, normal part of life.


CD: Rajath Ramamurthy
AD: Devin Fallen
CW: Daniel Kang